Saturday, July 09, 2005

Long time, no blog :-(

Okay, so it's been forever since I've blogged, but maybe that's because it's hard to blog when your blog is new and nobody's really reading it yet. Or maybe it's because blogging seems to take me forever (am I doing something wrong? And WHAT is up with the right side of my blog???). Or maybe it's because I've been swamped with other "high priority" issues lately. We (my husband, my 16 year old son, and myself) just finished tiling much of our downstairs floors. I fell in love with Wendy's floors (which I happened to spot in one of her pics) and "stole" her idea of tiling the high traffic areas of our house (in addition to the foyer, kitchen & breakfast room). I emailed her about her floors and would you believe she actually sent me more pics of her floors??? What a gal! Sooo..... 900 square feet later, this is what we have. We still have to have the carpet professionally re-tacked down and finish the trim work, but this gives you an idea.

Another high priority issue has been re-vamping my entire website. This has proven to be a huge undertaking and my girls are enjoying the extra over-time hours they're getting by helping me to get it going. We're even working today (SATURDAY!) to get it launched by next week (we hope). Anyway... it's huge. It's been quite a while since I've been able to do any "real" knitting, but a couple of weeks ago I finished another One Skein Wonder. This is my favorite (of the five I made) by far.

Oh, and I finished one of my Sally's Fixation Socks that's not made out of Fixation. I just have to stitch the toe together... and then knit the other one ;-) I still do not own a single "pair" of knitted socks. I have about 8 socks, but not a single pair. I am about halfway done though with my second Mountain Colors sock, so it could be the first official "pair" of socks I've knit. Or will it be the Sally socks??? Hmmmmmm....... Other high priority issues have been medical crud. Some of the medical "news" is good and some is "yet to be determined". The good news is that after 2 echo cardiograms, we finally found out that my 12 year old son's heart is okay. No bicuspid aortic valve as the doctors had originally thought -- turns out that my son merely has a "functional" heart murmur and is "A-Okay" to play football (all 70 pounds of him). The pediatric cardioligist couldn't believe that was Anson's "sport of choice", but he has a big 16 year old brother to emulate... Here's a pic of my 12 year old son (yes, he has long hair and looks more like a girl in this pic) napping with Pedro.

And here's his big brother.

And lest we forget about sister...

Other medical ick is that since January I've been in and out of doctor's office with breast lumps. I have very very lumpy boobs... fibroadenomas (benign tumors). Had one removed in 2000 and have the others monitored closely. Seems some of them weren't looking right and after 2 mammograms and 4 ultrsounds (since January), they've finally decided to biopsy a 4cm mass (due to spotting some microcalcifications in the last mammo). It's going to be a stereotactic biopsy which is where I have to lie completely still on my tummy (the table has a hole in it for the breast to come through) for at least 30 minutes (boob compressed the whole time) while the biopsy is performed. I think drugs will be necessary for me to get through this one ;-) I asked the nurse if they give Valium prior to the procedure and she said that they didn't but that many patients "bring their own". Cool. A BYOV party. Either that, or let me knit while they poke. Now THAT would be interesting.

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